Present Continuous

The Present Continuous in English

In this lesson let´s explain how it is conjugated and the construction of the gerund:

1. Conjugation the present continuous.
2. Construction of the gerund.
    2.1 Verbs finish in -ie.
    2.2 Verbs finish in -e.
    2.3 Bending of the final consonant in the formation of the gerund.

1. Conjugation

[SUBJECT] + am/are/is (Verb To Be) + [VERB WITH -ING]


To sing:
I am singing
You are singing
He is singing

2. Gerund

As a general rule to form the gerund in English, "-ing" is added.

2.1 Verbs finish in -ie

The ending "-ie" is replaced with "-ying".


Lie = Lying
Die = Dying

2.2 Verbs finish in -e

The final "-e" is replaced by "-ing".


Use = Using
Have = Having

2.3 Bending the final consonant

Numerous verbs double their final consonant to formal the gerund:

Get         Getting
Set         Setting
Forbid     Forbidding

For the folding to take place, these 3 conditions must be met:

1. That the word ends in a single consonant (other than r, w, x or y) [example: set]
2. When the last consonant is preceded by a single vowel. [example: let']
3. That the word is monosyllabic or that the accent falls on the last syllable or that the word ends in "L".
